When you are still trying to manage your buildings despite a pandemic and widespread quarantines, you want to work with a partner that is up-to-date on the newest technologies related to electric and low voltage installations.
Our team consists of craftsperson who are members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and their signatory contractors—including those who are members of the National Electrical Contractors Association.
NECA Coronavirus Resource Center – includes a COVID-19 Labor and Employment Q&A, Fact Sheet, Safety Talk, and Guidelines for dealing with COVID-19 on Construction Sites
IBEW’s COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines for the Construction Trades
IBEW, NECA Sign National Agreement in Response to COVID-19
The breadth of the Powering America team’s skills and abilities stretches from complex lighting, datacom, telecom and building automation systems to working on high-voltage transmission and distribution lines.
This team offers commitment, craftsmanship, continuity, assures customers will get what they pay for, and that they deliver quality products at fair prices—no matter the type or size of job. They bring excellence to the job and an assurance that electrical contractors and their craftsperson will:
- Perform with the special knowledge and experience matched to the project;
- Reduce accidents and injuries and, in turn, reduce costly delays;
- Eliminate callbacks and limit change orders; and
- Avoid emergencies that bust budgets, or incidents that turn into legal issues.